Friday, June 12, 2020

Raspberry Pi 4 Enable SSH without having Display/HDMI Monitor

When there is no HDMI monitor available for Raspberry Pi 4 and you want to enable SSH (as if it was not done before) Here are the steps to perform to enable SSH without a Monitor connected to Raspberry pi.

  • Switch off Power of Raspberry Pi
  • Remove the SD card from Raspberry Pi
  • Insert the SD card into SD card reader and connect to other computer. Check for that SD card mounts automatically.
  • Goto to the SD card boot folder from file explorer/manager. Or you can use command line
  • Create new file and save it as ssh without any extension, inside the boot folder. (Just an empty ssh file in boot folder)
  • Eject the SD card from computer and put it back to the Raspberry Pi.
  • Power on your Raspberry Pi board. On boot Raspberry Pi checks for the ssh file and ssh will be enabled.

Thats it, connect to the Raspberry pi board using the below command from other computer on network.

ssh (username@Raspberrypi ip address) 

Use any network scanner to find your pi IP address)